Where were you when the Pandemic started?


Since I have not been posting since 2019 (except for the one I did two days ago) I thought I’d do a rewind. (Throwback Thursday) My friends and I had been making plans to go to Israel in March of 2020, and it was December. (It was a dark and dreary night…not actually–I live in Alabama!).

We were all watching the news about this mysterious virus coming out of China.

My daughter had actually been watching this early and was concerned about it. I had not paid any attention to this because I was super distracted with work and family. In December, my mom had about two bouts with flu like symptoms, and then got really sick. She was on antibiotics and I looked in on her. I opened her bedroom door and felt a check in my spirit. She said, “Ginny, I think I’m going to die”. I thought, “Gee whiz, I’m going to have to bury my mother”, She was in her late 80’s. Praise the Lord, she recovered, but the news from Asia and the rest of the world was getting worse. The husband and wife who were the planners were diligently watching the Israeli’s Health Institute for updates. The day came, and ten of us flew to Israel.

It was wonderful and I chronicled our adventures on Instagram, and then deleted it (sorry)I’m getting off as much social media as I can). It was wonderful and exciting. Here’s a summary;
The plane ride…will it ever end? Come on , Mr. Airplane, move faster over this little graphic on my TV!, Customs: Why are we coming to Israel? Who is your Rabbi? Oh that guy back there (Ed, you are now a rabbi) We arrive, Tel Aviv! Tel Aviv! Dont drink that Israeli wine! Food! Food! Food!

Next destination! Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem! (insert musical notes!) Everyday, get on the bus! Get on the bus. Bumpity bump bump bump! Nimrod is our tour guide! Are you going to show us the tower of Babel? Beautiful Israel! Orchards and groves! Orchards and groves, OH MY!

Don’t get tired! We are going to walk all the way up this hill and Nimrod looks like Popeye and he definitely eats his spinach”!

Clickety click, click click click. Regina’s hubby has a boss camera! He doesn’t miss a thing! We eat, we tour, we eat, we tour, we meet the cats of Jerusalem. Don’t pet them!

The IHI is updating us. We are washing our hands a LOT> Do the sellers and kiosk keepers care about a pandemic? Nah! Let me grab a tourist’s hand and tell her this ring would look beautiful on her anyway!

We meet Samuel and he shows us how to do the Barucha correctlly! They play sweet home Alabama in the hamburger place!

We fly back and it’s bittersweet. Jerusalem, you have my heart and so do my Israel homies!

But, wait , there’s more!

I have been In Israel! I have to quarantine! So, the good news is that I had bought a TV for my room! Smart and providential thing. I quarantined there for 14 days. And guess who else did? The whole world! But something special happend! The whole country of Israel had to actually stay in their homes at Passover…and the whole world celebrated with them. We did not celebrate the lives lost, but the lives saved.

I never got Covid and I’m thankful. Everyone in my family made it rhrough even though my mom had Covid three times! She’s 92 today. Not all elderly folks died from covid. My mom has tough genes.

Where were you when the Pandemic started?



My apologies for not following up on the priesthood teaching as I promised in 2019. So, here. I actually think it would be helpful to share what I taught children about prayer one year at SUKKOT… that, after all, is the highest calling of a priest, I keep the feast of tabernacles and all of the feasts as listed in Leviticus 23 — but my favorite feast is the feast of tabernacles, ie., SUKKOT.

I have kept this feast of tabernacles by myself at many venues..near Gatlinburg in a lodge, at the international House of prayer in Kansas City in a hotel, at Beth El Shaddai synagogue in Birmingham in tents, on an organic farm in a tent during a horrific thunderstorm under power lines( yikes) , and for the last few years, at a location in Jackson Tennessee in a hotel and wedding venue.

In 2019, at the feast of tabernacles in Birmingham I did some puppet ministry for the children. I have about nine puppets in my closet. It’s hard for the me to do these puppets skits by myself, but I RARELY find any helpers. , so they may not be up to YouTube standards ( spoiler alert) However. they were fun for me. Interestingly, I actually became someone else when I did my puppet ministry…sort of like Saul, but I wasn’t prophesying, I was puppeteering.🙃 I guess that’s why they use puppets or dolls in trauma therapy, to separate the children from the trauma, and make them feel safe about talking about it.

The following post will explain what the theme of that SUKKOT was for me.. and how I felt that God lead me along my way as I did the who what when why how where a prayer.

I had a news reporter type theme for most of my puppet skits, and so there won’t be –like a play,–but simply usually two puppets talking.

There’s several puppet skits and the actual prayer theme starts after the random Silly Debate skit. Shalom.

Link below




The longer I live the more thankful I am knowing I’m just a sojourner in this world. Crime, tragedies, violence and heartbreak wake me up every morning, thanks to technology.

The messages of the Bible become more and more precious as we approach the end of the ages. We have a ways to go before Yeshua returns so endurance and fear of the Lord is imperative. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom…just the beginning, folks. Don’t stop.

I was looking at some of my older lyrics to songs yesterday and saw a different pattern and my first love.

I realized that the songs I sang perhaps 5 years or may 9 years ago were more desperate and intimate than they are now. Those were the kind of songs that kept me focused on Yeshua and reminded me how utterly amazing He is. Have I lost my first love? That’s probably a question every man and woman should ask themselves about their marriage.

Songs are weapons and conduits through which victories are experienced. Songs will get us through these turbulent times we are experiencing right now. What songs help you get through it? One song that illustrates this idea is a Forerunner School of Music song by Laura Hackett Park. “Just a little while longer and we’ll see You. Just a little while longer and we’ll know You. Just a little while longer and we’ll be together.

My heart sings

My heart sings

My heart sings how I love You.”

That’s it. Not a song chock full of theology but looking forward to our real reward.

When we see Him we will know Him because we will be like Him and will see Him as He is.

1John 3

Little Priesthood


I promised to follow up with posts about priesthood so here is a start. I can’t even begin to detail the notes I have on my “notes” AP on my I phone! Instead, I decided to focus on teaching children, which always challenges me to keep it simple! So I’m going to share tidbits from my “Children’s Prayer Workshop”…to be offered at a Birmingham Messianic synagogue during the feast of tabernacles…hereafter to be known as “Tabs”.

I have done puppet ministry in the past but it gets very difficult to lug puppets, keep them from moisture and set up a stage…as this year, i have no helpers.

So OF COURSE..only two weeks away from Sukkot I decide to record videos of the teachings which requires me to learn how to use IMovie and upload all these skits up to YouTube.I’m always stretched in some way during Sukkot because I often volunteer to work with kids. so this time is no exception.

Because of my tendency to bulldoze ahead and neglect the opportunity to allow interaction and participation, i often try to think of a theme that will involve them. So i decided to have a Sukkah House Press Briefing every morning, so that we would be reporters waiting for what Yeshua would say to us at the beginning of the day and we would know what was on His mind! They are all to be investigative reporters and follow up with each session with assignments to interview people at Sukkot with questions relating to the next session. I’ll provide “press badges” and notebooks and pens for their assignments. Each morning when they come in, i’ll give them a chance to come to the microphone to “brief” everyone about their findings. (kids love to get on the microphone).

My plan to teach them about prayer is because i think that this one connector is the connector that will draw children closer to experiencing God for themselves. My plan was to have Bible characters (real people!) talk about their story and exemplify some aspect of prayer. Since my degree was communication, I was taught about the 5 w’s and the 1 “h”; what. when, where, who, why, and how. Each Biblical person will give an answer to one of those questions.

Trying to decide which person to use has been a challenge plus i have an introductory skit that fits into Sukkot, so that is 7 videos. In the introductory skit, I made a connection between what Yeshua said about His house being a “house of prayer for all nations” to the feast of Sukkot that is connected to the nations. https://youtu.be/uaH0Cxq0Obc

The others are, in order: What (is prayer) -Abraham-It is talking AND listening to God. Where do we pray-Jonah-From the belly of a whale! (because no matter what we have done, if we cry out to God, He hears us!) When-Daniel-Pray even if it’s dangerous to pray! Pray at all times! Why-David-to find God’s heart and how music helped him pray. Who-Esther-because she was orphaned and not in control of her circumstances, but God was in control. How-Yeshua-Ask, Seek, Knock..Don’t give up!

I feel like all of these characters show some aspect of the priesthood as well. If i only focus on the priesthood itself, I may lose their interest.

I wish you all a blessed TABS and both the early rain and the latter! IN Yeshua’s name! Amen.

Yeshua our Intercessor…for real!


Shalom and welcome to an occasionally profound person who is only profound when Yeshua steps in to save the day!  Years ago, I was observing a very upsetting temper tantrum in my younger sister and felt somewhat responsible. I had just had a rather profound teshuvah and was stepping ever so go-lightly with my response to things. When G-d calls you on the carpet and the carpet is wet with your tears, you suddenly have this stark revelation that you’ve been on the wrong path with all the wrong motives. It made me…shall I say…overly sensitve with my little sister.

But what happened to me with her in the hallway of our quarters in Germany was very amazing and quite awe inspiring. I was watching her have this meltdown and not really knowing what to do…when the Lord just stepped inside me. He didn’t ask permission. He just stepped inside me and looked out through my eyes. I was quite shocked by this but felt this extreme peace.

My little sister about 4. Or 5 at the time, suddenly looked at my eyes and her crying abrubtly stopped … in mid wail…and she had a strange expression on her face. I know as I was standing there, I felt the compassion of the Lord inside me and she SAW it.

Just a little introduction to what G-d can do with each one of us in the role of intercessor.

God is so awesome and He has done this many times over in various ways. Which leads me to what I will be posting here and that is the subject of the priesthood.


Thoughts about Celebrations


mother-and-daughter-rebecca-mott-234x300Celebrations are Biblical, people. They really are! Look at the feasts that God already ordained, yes, ordained, for His people to celebrate. Some of them are more somber, but all of them involve seeking a deeper relationship with God unlike the traditional American holidays. these are what i have been transitioning too, with many believers, and we are all learning how to celebrate these “feasts” because some of them don’t come with a lot of instructions. Blow a shofar? Okay. then what. We’re getting better. Some do them better than others. But we do have the Word if we…go a little crazy here and there. Makes for great debates.

But alas, there are people that celebrate the non Biblical holidays so well, that you wonder, “where did i go wrong? This person is demonstrating a more Christ like attitude than me.  By Christ like, i mean they are drawing the family together (isn’t that good?), getting to know family members by asking them questions that bring out their needs and wants, (Isn’t it Christ like to share what you have in a liberal way?), make a festive  home environment by transforming the home with fun lights and greenery (is there some kind of divine spark of creativity here?) , place small figures around the house that represent the scene of Christ’s birth that teach children the “true meaning of Christmas (insert select spiritual elements)?

Alas, this is my beloved mother, who WILL NOT give up Christmas or Easter (as it is currently celebrated by many Americans).

I live with her, so everything that i don’t do is contrasted with all the things she does do…and she does Christmas in a big way.

Let’s start with the cookies…hmmm…8 boxes of all varieties that she baked until she could bake no more…and she was sick. Very sick. But cookies had to be made.

Presents…i will not reveal what her budget was for this “holy” extravaganza, but one gift card was at least $75…and she has…hmmm…nine grandchildren (and their spouses) and a gazillion greats? Plus the three adult children.

I am Scrooge. Bah! Humbug. (but i must confess…i do like to shop. I am woman.)

But, trying to exit Christmas is somewhat a tactical maneuver. Because my mother can’t drive, i can’t really totally opt out. and i am the oldest child…and i live with  her. Sigh. But, there are things about this whole experience, every year, that i tried to glean from it…since she does Christmas “so well”.

I’ve identified two things.

1)She brings the WHOLE family together. She really does. She creates strong incentives for family to come, by making  sweets, having lots of food and gifts…things that make for happy gatherings. She makes sure they know she is shopping for them on Amazon.com. And she gets organized lists from those who will receive from her GREAT generosity. She wants to do this efficiently and properly (I don’t know where she learned this…the Great How to do Christmas Right Book). I suppose she wants to make this simple, but it’s not,.

End result: Family talks. Family laughs. Children play. Great photo ops. And, it’s a lot nicer since i persuaded her to make this pre-Christmas shindiggety dig, a week prior to Christmas because it was too stressful for families with children. She prepared everything, then people came and only stayed an hour or so, and then the mad rush to get huge garbage bags with gifts to the right families. “Grandma, I think I got so and so’s gift. Did you mean to get me a chainsaw?”

She was actually disappointed when we did change the time and date. But now she likes it. She can, rest…sorta, on Christmas eve.  But up to the time of the shindiggety dig, she buys beer and mega amounts of soda pop, she prepares a feast for an army, spicy wienies, meatballs, spinach dip, deli meat, fried chicken tenders, stuffed eggs, nuts, caramel pecans (not just ordinary pecans) and veggies appetizers, like stuffed mushrooms and little baguettes with veggie toppings.  Plus the cookies. tons and tons of sugar wrapped in delightful packages.  “Did i forget something?” she asks.

“Have the packages been wrapped?” (these words cause me to tremble. I hate wrapping packages…so i enlist my grandaughter…we bond)

I made a video of my mom with “mad scientist” music behind her and panned across the counter where she has all her ingredients, ending up with her looking ominously at the camera phone as she blends something with a mixer.

2) The second requirement is for her to ask people what  they want for Christmas…and she expects a response. Seriously, you better answer this woman back or she will be telling me how she “never got an answer from so and so and now we have to get gift cards.” she knows how to use technology to communicate with everyone, but she doesn’t always get the satisfactory, “I would like this, grandma=”

What’s the value in this? She actually gets to know them a little better. It is kind of personal..She will buy them anything. Seriously. X boxes, games with names with scary titles that promote war and violence.  It doesn’t really matter to her, if they are dolls that look like ghouls or ugly, green monster toys that have blades or bloody teeth, because that is the way she gets to know them and doesn’t judge them. They love  her for that. They REALLY do. and she doesn’t mind that they want  big things. She’s pleased to be able to help.

So i thought, “Well, what do I  have to offer them in place of that.

Nothing. I have failed as a human being.

Alas…she does all of this out of a fierce love for her family. One day, her generation will pass away, and her wild Christmas ways will pass away with that. What will this generation remember about her? She cared deeply about everyone in her family. She was genuinely interested in them. She was generous. very generous. She laughed and enjoyed the babies and children most of all, and the grown ups that used to be the children running around in her house. She used her  home to build her family and she had a very healthy attitude toward differences, whether religious or political. She learned to “unlike” things on Facebook so they knew where she stood on issues but she wouldn’t argue with them. She is the most accepting person you’ll ever meet.

So how do i reconcile the perfect Christmas mother/grandmother with the kind of person I am. I am a Hebraic minded woman, marking my calendar as i have learned over years to adjust my calendar to God’s. I feel its more valuable to sit down and worship for an  hour or two with my guitar, and study the word, pray in my own war room, and fascinate myself with the wonders of the Hebrew language.

I’ve decided that it’s okay that I am different from her. I’ve been different from birth. It’s her fault. She gave birth to me! And one day,  I will be a matriarch too…just like her.

I was sitting at the table one day, and i had a vision…right there, while my mom was puttering around the kitchen. In the vision, my mother was dying, and she was telling me, in a quite insistent way, that i needed to hold everything together. In the vision, i saw Jesus standing behind me and my mother saw Him. He wasn’t saying anything, but without words, He was speaking to her. “It’s okay. I’ve got a plan for her. I’m with her. She has a different destiny. be at peace, daughter.>” I shared this vision with her.

She’s a fighter, my mother. she wanted to make sure…the family stayed together and that everything was going to be okay.

What kind of matriarch will i be? I’ll be like her…i will fiercely love my family in a different way. But, I’ll be uniquely who Jesus qualifies me to be…I’ll learn from her how to listen, and how to reach outside myself and try not to judge…because people grow up and they change.  I’ll learn to be as generous as I can, like her…I’ll look for ways to gather folks together…(is there a place for happiness at a family reunion?) . I’ll pray for grace to realize that when she’s gone, there will be a big hole in my heart…and I’ll pray for grace to move forward…as the “new matriarch”, and i won’t look back.


Preparing for Sukkot, one tent peg at a time…


Sukkot has got to be one of my favorite times of the years and my most anticipated season of the Lord.

I love fall and winter anyway, and i’m so glad that Sukkot has  mixture of both fall and and late summer (for the beach goers) but fall for the cooler weather birds, like me.

sukkot guy

See, this couple is wearing clothing and not bathing suits. Thanks so much, Lord.

I have anticipated every season and feast of the Lord, every year and cycle because Hashem always shows me something new. (Hashem-the Name). Sukkot is no exception. Sukkot is the 7th and final feast of the Lord and reminds us of the past (the wilderness experience) and the future, (the messianic age).

I think Brad Scott talked about how one of the Hebrew words has to do with ruts, as in when a cow walks down a row in a field so many times, eventually, he just follows the rut. Since Hebrew thinking is circular, we are traveling in a circular rut, which gives us opportunity to learn something new the second, fifth, and infinity time around!

The Lord has shown me several things about Sukkot, in the past. One of the things that i saw, I saw during the Sukkot year  i was trying to figure out if the pop up sukkah was okay for me to use on my way to a Sukkot celebration. They have them for $99 on the internet. I was reading what had been written by the website authors, concerning this little minimalist invention, and saw something they had written that was an eye opener (revelation) for me. They said that “the ancient rabbis have always regarded the glory cloud that covered the Israelites in the wilderness as the actual “sukkah”. For one thing, i think they dwelled in tents, did they not? It was so profound to me, because i had come to realize that theirs was a truly supernatural environment.  Despite the great desire for charismatic individuals like me to see the Holy Spirit poured out in such a way, that we would see our “shadow” causing folks to be healed, just like those of the apostles, there has always been a supernatural element to God’s people that transcended normal experiences.


This was today, the 15th of August and they are sold out!

The second revelation that has always stayed with me, had to do with the dimensions of the Sukkah or booth. I really tried to imagine what this looked like, but i had to go search the internet when i first found out about it. I camped in a tent for years with folks at a local messianic synagogue and LOVED IT. However, as my sukkoting involved going to different encampments and gatherings in the future, i  had to make adjustments. So i was in a quandary one year, thinking, “Am i really obeying the Lord, using a tent?” (It looked like the Taj Mahal, and I emerged from that tent like a princess with all my makeup on). The Lord interrupted my thoughts on this one day, and i really was getting quite worked up over it and He said, “But I’m the sukkah Ginny”. I had this revelation hit me as I saw the Lord, wrapped in swaddling clothes, unable to help himself, exposed to the elements, with the body of a human, and totally dependent on Mariam and Yoseph! And not only that He had the “soft spot” on His head that made Him even more vulnerable to injury, but prophetic of the fact that the dove descended upon him like a dove in bodily form. “and the heavens opened”…wow. Glory.

So this year, I’m reading three different Bible portions: the Torah portion, the chronological Bible, and the Daily Audio Bible. I’m getting different perspectives. I realized that in 1 Kings 8, the most glorious temple that was built, Solomon’s temple was dedicated on the first day of Sukkot. I saw that the scriptures used the date of “Ethanim, the seventh month”, and knew that something was up with Sukkot and the Temple being built.

Then King Solomon summoned into his presence at Jerusalem the elders of Israel, all the heads of the tribes and the chiefs of the Israelite families, to bring up the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Zion, the City of David. All the Israelites came together to King Solomon at the time of the festival in the month of Ethanim, the seventh month.

Maybe this is something everyone in the world has already seen, but I had not. That made me SO excited.  Look at ALL the connections! So i had googled “Was the temple of solomon build on the first day of Sukkot?” I found several cool websites.

I found this on “TheTorah.com” and here’s what the author said:

The association between Sukkot and Jerusalem Temple goes all the way back to the Bible’s first descriptions of the holiday in Deuteronomy 16.  In this chapter, God commands the Israelites to go to the Temple to celebrate the three primary Temple festivals – Pesah, Shavuot, and Sukkot. Yet Deuteronomy 16 links the Temple to Sukkot more strongly than to the other two festivals by implying that the Israelites must remain in Jerusalem throughout the duration of the holiday.”

First of all, this blew me away. Now I have something concrete to work with! (pardon the pun). This article points out the messianic significance of Sukkot and the Temple.

“The Hasmonean period saw a sharp rise in Jewish apocalyptic and messianic literature. By the end of the Second Temple period, more and more Jews believed that they were living on the cusp of the messianic era.[1]  Some Jewish leaders made use of their positions to seek opportunities to present themselves in a messianic role.”

A great little book called “What the Ancient Rabbis believed about the Messiah” says just exactly what this article says. However, the author explains that they were called “sages” back then. They were wise. The time when a “messiah” was most likely to come was the time Yeshua arrived.


The author, however, does not confess Yeshua as Messiah because he says that Yeshua made the case that Mosaic law was irrelevant. Here’s the quote, again, from theTorah.com.

New Testament
Similarly, The Gospel of John, which stands apart from the other three canonical Synoptic gospels in its particularly anti-Jewish disposition,  tells us that Jesus proclaimed Mosaic law irrelevant while standing on the Temple grounds on the holiday of Sukkot. John 7:14-24 reads:

About the middle of the festival Jesus went up into the temple and began to teach. The Jews were astonished at it, saying, ‘How does this man have such leaning, when he has never been taught?’ Then Jesus answered them, ‘My teaching is not mine but his who sent me…If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath in order that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I healed a man’s whole body on the Sabbath? Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.’

The conversation soon turns to whether Jesus himself is the Messiah:

Now some of the people of Jerusalem were saying, ‘Is not this the man whom they are trying to kill?’ …Can it be that the authorities really know that this is the Messiah? Yet we know where this man is from; but when the Messiah comes, no one will know where he is from.’ Then Jesus cried out as he was teaching in the temple, ‘You know me, and you know where I am from. I have not come on my own.  But the one who sent me is true, and you do not know him…’ Then they tried to arrest him, …but many in the crowd believed in him and were saying, ‘When the Messiah comes, will he do more signs than this man has done?’  (Jn 7:25-31 NRSV)

In John’s narrative, Jesus’ invocation of Mosaic law at the Temple site on Sukkot immediately gives rise to the Jews around him asking, Is this man a king? A Messiah? An inheritor of the Davidic dynasty? Or perhaps some combination? The answer is not provided in the gospel, but perhaps all Jesus wanted was that the question be asked. He knew of those earlier individuals such as Solomon and Nehemiah who had set precedent by guiding the Jews at the Temple site on the holiday of Sukkot into a new phase of religious government, and was intentionally linking himself with them.”

The reason this gentleman does not recognize Yeshua as Messiah, is that Yeshua did not establish the earthly kingdom right then and there. It starts with a Seed.

The second temple (Ezra’s temple)was not built prior to Sukkot but was celebrated right before the foundation was laid.

Ezra 3 NIV

Rebuilding the Altar

When the seventh month came and the Israelites had settled in their towns,the people assembled together as one in Jerusalem. Then Joshua son of Jozadak and his fellow priests and Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and his associates began to build the altar of the God of Israel to sacrifice burnt offerings on it, in accordance with what is written in the Law of Moses the man of God. Despite their fear of the peoples around them, they built the altar on its foundation and sacrificed burnt offerings on it to the Lord, both the morning and evening sacrifices. Then in accordance with what is written, they celebrated the Festival of Tabernacles with the required number of burnt offerings prescribed for each day. After that, they presented the regular burnt offerings, the New Moon sacrifices and the sacrifices for all the appointed sacred festivals of the Lord, as well as those brought as freewill offerings to theLord. On the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, though the foundation of the Lord’s temple had not yet been laid.

Rebuilding the Temple

Then they gave money to the masons and carpenters, and gave food and drink and olive oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre, so that they would bring cedar logs by sea from Lebanon to Joppa, as authorized by Cyrus king of Persia.

In the second month of the second year after their arrival at the house of God in Jerusalem, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of Jozadak and the rest of the people (the priests and the Levites and all who had returned from the captivity to Jerusalem) began the work. They appointed Levites twenty years old and older to supervise the building of the house of the Lord. Joshua and his sons and brothers and Kadmiel and his sons (descendants of Hodaviah[a]) and the sons of Henadad and their sons and brothers—all Levites—joined together in supervising those working on the house of God.

10 When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, the priests in their vestments and with trumpets, and the Levites (the sons of Asaph) with cymbals, took their places to praise the Lord, as prescribed by David king of Israel. 11 With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord:

“He is good;
    his love toward Israel endures forever.”

And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid. 12 But many of the older priests and Levites and family heads, who had seen the former temple, wept aloud when they saw the foundation of this temple being laid, while many others shouted for joy. 13 No one could distinguish the sound of the shouts of joy from the sound of weeping, because the people made so much noise. And the sound was heard far away.

Wow. ” No one could distinguish the sound of the shouts …from the weeping”.

It’s another “selah” moment.

Here’s this years revelation that I pulled out of the glory cloud: They were instructed to “remain” in Deut. 16. Is this not a picture of our life with Messiah? We will be caught up with Him, in the air, and forever be with the Lord”.


Hebraic Roots in Five minutes!!!


5_minI had a friend who is from the Phillipines who is an evangelist. She was asking me “What do I tell people who say ‘I just want to study the Bible. I don’t need to know about Hebraic roots’?
It was a good question, and since she is from the Phillipines, I thought about people from other countries and how difficult it is to communicate anything if there are major cultural differences.
So i endeavor here to do this in five minutes. On your mark. Get set. Go.
We are going to look at Jesus. Jesus name in Hebrew is Yeshua. That’s what his mommy called Him…I got saved, born again, Spirit-Filled and empowered by the name of Jesus. It matters not to me what you call Him. But since I have a heart for the Jewish people, i will call Him Yeshua.
Yeshua was a RAbbi. We know that He wasn’t called Reverend so and so or Pastor-Man. So we have to think like a Rabbi thought back in the first century. A rabbi invited people to take His yoke upon them. The yoke He was talking about was called “The Torah”.Torah means “instructions from God”.
Yeshua had someone prepare His way. His name was Johanan (john) the Immerser. JOhn said, “Repent and be baptized”. In order to take the Yoke of Yeshua, you had to repent. If you did not, you were not letting Him be in charge. Yeshua also said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. He said, “Kingdom” becuase a kingdom is ruled by a king and has rules.
Those rules in Yeshua’s day and our day now, is the Torah or instructions from God.
Those who followed a rabbi were totally devoted to Him.
Yeshua taught us how to correctly understand and interpret the Torah. If we do not follow Him, we will not know how to do it. He shows us with words, and actions, and by the Power of His Spirit.
What we have not done, in this day and age, is allow Him to correctly interpret the Torah for us.
We have allowed man. We know this because there is a great awakening in the body of Christ. If we were not asleep, we would not have to be awakened.
That is Hebraic roots in a nutshell.
Okay guys I went 2 minutes beyond this. Your turn.



I meet with some amazing men and women of God in various locations throughout the northeast part of the state (Alabama). We come together as One in Messiah. We are black, white, female, Jewish, Hispanic, old, young, pastors, apostles, prophets and disciples (talmidim) all of us! We have some amazing discussions because we all sit around a table and tremble at His word. We don’t claim to know it all and ,very possibly, know nothing, but we all have this smorgasbord of sharing that I wish I could bottle up and sell somewhere…anywhere…where people love to hear the sound of unity and who love to hear the sound of the Father saying, “Shema (hear) Israel,”.

We listen and we share…and I can’t write fast enough. Here’s some thoughts that came out of the Weds. gathering.

We began with a question about lashon hara, which means in Hebrew , “evil tongue” Someone made the comment that because of lashon Hara, Miriam had to go outside the camp. Then before she could come back in, she had to wash, and the she had to offer a sacrifice that involved the shedding of blood. This is why we all have to come to the cross because out of Jesus (Yeshua’s) side came forth both blood and water…and by this blood we have been brought near.

But I’m gonna confess…I wasn’t so intrigued by the lashon hara discussion.  So many comments were made about various things, and then the discussion seemed to gravitate toward how “what we know” interferes with “who He is”. This is kind of a definition of “gnostism” defined in the dictionary as :

the thought and practice especially of various cults of late pre-Christian and early Christian centuries distinguished by the conviction that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through gnosis

For example, you may know G-d’s proper name but what is the spirit that you are of when you tell an unversed brother His name! Do you make that brother feel … dumb? Or do you tell him that “His name” is wonderful! Did you communicate that to him? Someone said, “Education is a wonderful thing, but everything has it’s place”. Because, as a wise brother said, “I knew unconditional love before I knew the word agape”. Someone else said that this is heard among God’s people “I got here, so you ought to be able to get here too!”. Maybe they cant’ get there. So how are you going to help them believe until they belong? What are the questions people are asking before you are teaching?

One of the seven rules of Hillel teaches the precept of “kahl v’omer” or “light and heavy”.  Don’t overemphasize the heavy, when the light does the job. That’s what Yeshua meant when He said, “All the law and the commandments hang on these two things”. You weren’t supposed to touch a leper, but Jesus/Yeshua did.

Someone mentioned that years ago, Constantine was made out to be a hero. My brain did a double take, because I had forgotten about that. How many of you heard that he “brought everyone together” and stopped the Christians from being persecuted, and he had a vision and heard , “by this rule”? As a skilled politician, Constantine tried to bring everyone together under one umbrella. This only caused huge rifts between Jew and Gentile that exists to this day. Yeshua makes us one by being the second Adam,  through His work on the cross, where He draws all men to Him.

I guess I can’t bottle this…but I can carry it in this vessel. Shalom!

Forced Rest…but am I really resting?

Forced Rest…but am I really resting?

Yeah, i know it was a dumb title but it describes where my life is going right now…My mom has had open heart surgery so all our family efforts were suddenly directed toward helping my mom, prepare for surgery, and helping my mom get through her hospital stay, and then help her recover at home successfully. I’ve got great help with my sisters and daughters, but this means a little adjustment for me.

I’m on the road back to a healthy lifestyle myself, after having worked in retail for 7 and 1/2 years. I had established a healthy eating plan (using my fitness pal ap), after trying Body by Vi (did not work…spent 1200 bucks), advocare…no…spent too much money with them too. I had some basic changes I was going to implement, such as “no food after 7 p.m., that had NOT been my habit while in retail. I also started taking an herb that was organic and did not do any weird things to my body but was an aid to my efforts. After that I added exercise. I’ve lost 23 pounds of fun retail weight gain…cause i had fun eating, but i’m tired of buying larger clothes and not feeling…peppy!

So when my mom had her heart surgery, i thought i was going to fall back..eat the wrong foods because I’m a stress eater, and not exercise, because there are times I can’t walk when there is no one here to be with her.

But God has been so wonderful and everything that I thought I would lack has not been lacking. I’ve had to simplify, sure, but I’m exercising by walking up and down the street in from of my house while mom sleeps, and planning heart healthy meals which means I’m eating healthy!

I’m also very active in ministry, and would like to be more active, but right now I’m involved in a church plant of sorts, and also participate in a weekly group that is comprised of several churches coming together to discuss the Hebraic roots and where God seems to be leading His people to prepare for the acharit hayamim (perilous times).

I want to stay active, and I’m also a grandmother and want to spend as much times as possible getting to know these buggers! That is something i am learning a lot about and my mom has also taught me to look differently than I might have otherwise. One of the things she says is to not to become overly involved but “do what you can do”. You know, you can’t solve all problems. My grans are not really “problems” they are blessings, but I can see as they become teenagers that I will have to walk carefully to preserve my sanity and keep a cool head about me!

While I am “resting” I’m feasting on Hebrew and hebrew/Messianic songs. I’ve undertaken a personal project which is to memorize Psalm 19 in Hebrew. I’ve done 2 verses. Plus, there are several Hebrew/Messianic songs that interest me.

Thank You, Lord that I have the pleasure of slowing down, to do some things I’d like to do! Thank you that you are helping my Mom recuperate so well!